Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Seven Essense Mirrors of Relationships - Gregg Braden

What the Essenes said was that, for us to know and master ourselves in this world, we will see one or some combination of mirrored patterns in others. If you find yourself around individuals who are angry or dishonest, they are showing you your anger or dishonesty.
Every moment of life our inner reality is mirrored in the actions, the choices, the language of the people around us.
We attract people into our lives, and they are like these 7 mirrors or 7 types. When we learn the lesson these people or situations stop coming into our lives. Ask yourself what’s the pattern in my life?
Each moment of our life, the reality of our internal truth (what we have become) is mirrored to us by the actions, the choices, and the language of those around us.
The Seven Essene mirrors of relationships will be presented to everyone through the relationships of their lifetime. The seven essene mirrors is a way of understanding how the process of life works. We can use what seem to be negative experiences as stepping-stones to healing and empowerment.

FIRST MIRROR: Mirror/ Reflections of the Present moment

First mirror shows our presence in the moment. What we are. What we are radiating in the moment. What we reflect by others in the moment.
Knowing ourselves at the subtlest levels and transforming these moments into our learning is a path to self-mastery.

SECOND MIRROR: Mirror/ Reflections of Judgment

This mirror reflects to us that which we judge in the moment. Whatever judgement you make about others is about yourself only. If you judge or condemn others, then you will attract into your lives, exactly what you judge. Recognizing them and compassionately allowing your relationships to demonstrate their mirror to you (rather than resisting or getting even) will help to reduce these instances.
When I find that many people show me the same pattern of anger or fear, they may be showing me my internal truth in the moment.

Look at the people you hold most dear.  Look at the qualities that push your buttons most.  Are they showing you what you are in the moment?  Or are they showing you what you judge in the moment?

THIRD MIRROR: Mirror/ Reflections of Childhood loss

It’s the mirror we sense every time we find ourselves in the presence of a person who, when we look in their eyes you feel an electrical charge. It reflects back to us something we lost, gave away, or had taken a way. When we see something we love and desire in another, it is often something we have lost, given away or had stolen in our own lives. Every relationship is a relationship with self and often we try to reclaim what was lost. We gave away, or had taken away as a child. It could be joy, innocence, honesty and integrity, courage or love. All of which can be reclaimed within self.
As you journey through life, pieces of your life may be lost, innocently given, or taken away by those who have had power over you. These are your compromises, exchanged for surviving your experience. When you desire to love and give of yourself you may find nothing is left. Calling back those pieces of you may be your highest expression of personal mastery.

Through the course of our lives we give away or lose parts of ourselves.  When we find ourselves in the presence of another individual who embodies what we have lost, we will feel it as a magnetic connection to that person.  Ask: what is it I see in this person what I have lost or I've given away or was taken from me?
We will seek to reinforce that which we have lost, given away or had taken away.

FOURTH MIRROR: Mirror/ Reflections of your most forgotten love (greatest fear)

Fourth Essene mystery/mirror of relationship: Has a little bit of a different quality. Through the course of our lives often we will adopt patterns of behavior that become so important to us that we will rearrange the rest of our lives to accommodate this pattern or behavior.
This could be a way of life, a lost or unfinished relationship. Often it is a past life where a wrong conclusion from past experience was created. These will recreate themselves over and over until the right conclusion is registered in the soul as wisdom.
The part of yourself that you have least remembered, the part that you hold most clear is your forgotten love.
When we find ourselves in this situation, we find that these patterns may be compulsive or addictive patterns of behavior.  This allows us to see ourselves in the presence of addiction or compulsion.  Through addiction and compulsion, we give away little by little the things that we hold most important to us.  And in the giving away, we have the opportunity to see ourselves as we lose the things, we hold most dear. Addictions provide you with the opportunity to experience your greatest fears as you drive away the things that you hold most dear. The gift of addictions is that you can see your greatest fears and identify that which you have a charge on.
Alcohol or nicotine may come to mind.  Issues of control.  Addiction to sex.  Need for money. - all addiction/compulsion behaviors.
The pattern unfolds gradually unfolds over time.  We give away what is most important to us over time.  We may recognize the pattern at any time and heal, at any time.  Rather than taking it to its extreme.  And find our wholeness in the healing.

FIFTH MIRROR: Mirror/ Reflections of father/mother/creator

The fifth mirror reflects back to us Father/Mother or the Creator. Our fathers and mothers are Gods to us. By virtue of healing our illusions and relationships with our earthly mother and father, we heal our perception of our relationship with the creator. The way we perceive our parents reflects our beliefs of the way the Creator views us. We see perfections in the perceived imperfections of life.
This is perhaps single most powerful pattern.  Can see more and to a greater level why we've lived the lives we live.  It is the mirror that our parents showed to us through the course of our childhood/lives with them.  Through this mirror we are asked to allow for the possibility, to entertain the possibility that perhaps the actions of our parents toward us are mirroring our beliefs and expectations of what may be the most sacred relationship we'll ever know in our lifetime: relationship between us and our Heavenly Mother and Father.  It is through this relationship with our earthly parents that our parents are showing us ourselves in that expectation and beliefs of that divine relationship.  For example: if we find ourselves in a relationship with our parents where we feel judged, constantly.  Or that we feel that our best is never good enough.  There is a high probability that what is being mirrored is our belief within ourselves that we may not be good enough.  Or that we may not have accomplished that which may have been expected of us.
Through our perceptions of ourselves and our creator.  It’s a powerful and subtle mirror.  And it may tell us more about why we’ve lived our lives as we have than any other.
There are few absolutes.  There are often exceptions.  If you feel something inside of you welling up that says NO WAY, you’ve likely encountered something that could be really powerful.  The only way you’ll have a response is when you are being shown something that is so deep you may have chosen to avert looking at it in the past.
The way you see your Mother and Father (the words you use) of this world is a mirror of your expectations of the relationship you have with your Heavenly Mother and Father.  There are many ways to look at this.  Is it possible that inviting you to this world lives an unspoken responsibility that those who raise us are surrogates, they are the closest thing we know in our Heavenly Creator.  They have impeccably held to you the way you see your relationship with your Heavenly Parents.

When you perceived your parents’ anger, you felt what your creator felt.
This mirror may show you your beliefs, your expectations of what your creator feels for and about you.
Sentence: What would you say to your parents if you had only one minute left?  What would you like to hear from your parents in the last minute of your life?
Through our earth life, we have the opportunity to heal our relationships with both earthly parents and Heavenly Parents by recognizing what the mirror is trying to show us, so to release it.

Both the positive and negative attributes of our earthly parents’ mirror to us of how we perceive our Heavenly Parents.

SIXTH MIRROR: Mirror/ Reflections of your quest into darkness (dark night of the soul)

The sixth mirror reflects back to us the Quest for Darkness or what is often referred to as the Dark Night of the Soul. This is when we meet our greatest, challenges, our greatest fears and have been gathering the tools and understandings in life to confront them.
With few exceptions, nearly everyone will experience a ‘dark night of the soul’ at some point in the course of their lives. This is an experience where you are drawn into a situation or circumstance representing what appears to you to be your worst fear. This awakens a dormant force that may become your most powerful ally, a gift toward highest levels of mastery for you in this lifetime. You will access every particle of wisdom available to you, from the depths of your innermost experience, to overcome the fear. To know ourselves in our greatest darkness is our opportunity to heal that part of ourselves that we least choose to experience. To find our balance, we must know our extremes on either sides and embrace both to heal the judgment of our experience and to find the power of our truest nature. The quest into darkness does not have to hurt. The pain, if any, is also our mirror of the degree of charge that we have placed on “not losing” the things we hold most clear dear in life. This mirror empowers us to the level of recognizing the true self within us.

We are reminded that life has a propensity toward balance, nature has propensity toward balance.  It takes an extremely skillful and masterful being to upset the balance in nature and to upset the balance in our lives.  When we find ourselves in the greatest challenges of life, it in those moments that we may be assured that the only way those challenges are possible is after we have amassed each tool that will allow us to move through that challenge with grace and with ease, until those tools are amassed, we will never see ourselves in the situations that ask us to demonstrate these high levels of mastery.

From this perspective, the greatest challenges of life, may be viewed as tremendous opportunities to demonstrate mastery, rather than tests that may be passed or failed in life.  It is through this mirror that we see ourselves naked, without the emotion and feeling and thought and constructs around us that we have constructed around us to keep us safe.  We have the opportunity to see ourselves in a naked way and to prove to ourselves that the process of life may be trusted.

This mirror is an opportunity to lose everything we’ve held dear in life and see ourselves naked.  As we climb out of the abyss that is left after the loss of everything, we held dear, and we see ourselves in a new way; this is where we find our highest levels of master.

When you don’t face your deep dark fears, it gets manifested.
Whatever you reject, you attract
Whatever you resist, it persists.

Your body mirrors your belief.  Illness is only possible if you believe that the forces of light and dark are separate.  If we know that dark and light both originate in our creator, we will not fear.

As you heal each memory, you heal the universal fears:
1. Fear of not being good enough.
2. Fear of trusting and surrendering.
3. Fear of abandonment and separation.

Understand the fear, experience it, and then let it go.

SEVENTH MIRROR: Mirror/ Reflections of your greatest act of compassion

The seventh mirror reflects to us our self-perception. It’s the most subtle mirror.  It asks us to allow for the possibility, that each experience of life, regardless of its outcome, is perfect in its nature.  Regardless of whether we achieve the lofty goals that have been set by others, we are invited to view our accomplishments in life without comparing them to anything else, without any external reference.  The only way we can view ourselves in failure or success is when we measure our accomplishments to an external yardstick.  The question then arises, what is it that we hold ourselves accountable to?  What do we use as our yardstick of accomplishment?    From the perspective of this mirror, we are asked to allow for the possibility that all aspects of our lives (each aspect of our personal life: body shape, body weight, academic, business, athletic achievements) are perfect as they stand.  And can only be judged when they are compared to an external reference
Others will perceive and treat us according to how we perceive and treat ourselves. If we have a low self-esteem and do not acknowledge our wisdom and beauty, others will not acknowledge them. If we are angry, bitter and unloving to others, they in turn will often react in the same way towards us. When we change our perception of ourselves, we change the world. Maybe it is time to be kind, loving and compassionate to ourselves and others. Remember that, “The only reason anyone has power over you is you want something from them, “Whether it is love, joy, companionship or a personal Divine connection, everything can be found within.

Through the mirror of ourselves, we are asked to compassionately allow perfection in each expression of life, regardless of how the experience is viewed by others. The greatest act of compassion that you may ever be asked to demonstrate may well be compassion for yourself. Worth and to love and respect the gift of the perfection of life through your body.
Allow for perfection in the imperfections of life.  What standard are we holding ourselves to which cause us to feel unhappy?

Compassion may be defined as:
Thought without attachment to the outcome.
Feeling without distortion.
Emotion without charge.

Anger is in polarity.  Denial, not allowing feeling.  Allow feeling opens path to compassion.  If you feel nothing when you learn of something horrible, it’s possible that you are in denial.  If you want to get even or make someone pay, you are allowing yourself to feel.  If you can say to yourself, I miss those people and this didn’t have to happen and there’s a sense that there is a balance in the event, then you may be on the way to compassion.


Each one of the seven mysteries is sequential, building upon the realization of the one previous to it and through each you heal your fears in doing so, you prepare for yourself the path that allows compassion to be a force in your life.
Subtle mirrors will be recognized and resolved before the powerful mirrors of even greater subtly are acknowledged. Emotions that lead to compassion are mastered, in sequence, through consciously acknowledging and mastering these seven mirrors. Recognizing what the sequence is saying to you and why you repeat similar patterns with different people may guide you toward your highest mastery. These mirrors are written in order from least to greatest degree of subtlety.

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