Friday, September 27, 2019


We lose energy by Unnecessary talking, Gossiping, Not minding our business, Always interested in others business, Unnecessary thinking and Unnecessary act.

Unconsciously we start stealing energy from others and other people steal energy from us.

An energy stealer is a person who feeds off your emotional, or psychic, energy. People who display energy stealer traits generally lack empathy, sensitivity, and emotional maturity. As a result of the pain or insecurity they feel inside, energy stealers are addicted to preying on the vitality of others as an attempt to heal their inner suffering.

An energy stealer could be anyone: a friend, a family member, a colleague, an acquaintance, a child, a son or daughter, or even a romantic partner. If you’re a highly empathetic and caring person, it’s also possible to actively attract energy vampires into your life. Unfortunately, if you’re a highly compassionate person who doesn’t know how to set boundaries, it’s very likely that you’re surrounded by energy vampires right now!

Below are some Energy stealing patterns:

1. Poor me (The Victims): They gains energy by being sad or sick and by moaning and complaining. They are never interested in getting the solution of their problems, and that is because it gets the attention of all the people around them.

This kind of energy stealers always present themselves as eternally unlucky or unappreciated. Although they may seem sympathetic at the beginning, one can observe afterwards, that these people bear the grudge against everyone else. In fact, their attitude of playing the victim is a way to show that everyone else is a victimizer. So, everyone else should take care of them because they are responsible for their situation.

They are so sad that one feels guilty to be happy in their presence. Needless to say, this childish personality will do anything, hurt or even kill themselves to gain your attention and your Energy!

And if that does not work the Poor Me always flips into the Violator Strategy in order to get attention. Ignore them and they get Very Very Angry!!! This is the origin of many Bi-polar Disorders.

The dysfunctional behavior is due to their extremely low self-esteem. Without always receiving signs of love, thanks, and approval, they feel unworthy and unacceptable, which they try to resolve by making you feel guilty and sucking away your sympathy/empathy.

How to nurture your energy: When you’re around a  Poor me/ Victim energy stealer, be aware of the self-pity cues. For example, a self-pity cue could be the person’s tendency to blame another person for their suffering, or perhaps a description of how terrible their day has been. Don’t get involved in their self-pity. Limit your interaction with them if possible.

2. Intimidator (The Terrorist/ The Dominator): This is every kind of person that uses her or his power to steal energy from other people. They exploit their big or small authority in order to impose themselves on others. The energy terrorists can be found everywhere. They can be our teachers at the school or the professors at the College, the policemen on the streets, the bureaucrats at the city hall, our boss, our neighbors. They can even be our parents or other relatives. These people will make use of the slightest power they can exert on us to control us and gain energy. They will start yelling or giving strict deadlines and commands. They will emotionally blackmail you, if you cannot satisfy their wishes and whims. They love to feel superior and like “alpha” males or females. Due to their deep inner insecurities of being “weak” or “wrong” (and therefore hurt), Dominator must overcompensate by intimidating you. Often Dominator stealers are loud-mouthed types of people who have rigid beliefs, and black and white perceptions of the world. They are often racist, sexist and/or bigoted.

How to nurture your energy: It is very difficult to completely avoid persons who are in socially superior positions. Although we should not become submissive we should also be diplomatic. Remember always that these people have an authority on you in certain domains of your life, not on your whole existence. And their authority on you stops if you will stop interacting with them. Show them they should respect you because otherwise you will totally ignore them, or they will lose you.
Agree to disagree. Practice assertiveness when necessary and limit your contact with Dominator stealers. Realize that their attempt to scare you is sourced from their deep fear of being dominated and thus hurt.

3. Aloof : When we remain quiet as a child, then our mothers often ask if there is a problem. The strategy has worked! We have caught the attention, the energy, the love of our mothers. The aloof use this strategy to gain attention. They will sit in one corner...Group energy focus on this person and lose energy.

4. Trickster: They give you false promises (Ex: Corrupt Politicians)

5. Performer: TV Serial, News, Social media

We love Facebook/ Whatsapp as much as the next, and some online media can be great (stay informed!). But when you spend your time online longer than you intend to (and who doesn’t?), you can often feel like you have been busy, even working – although you have produced nothing and your only efforts have been to tend your fake crops or catch up on celebrity gossip. You feel exhausted, even though you haven’t moved in two hours.
Tip: Realize that being “busy” and being “productive” are two very different things that you must not mix up. Set a timer for your online activity and stick to it.

6. Arrogant: Arrogant people drain your energy in a very sneaky manner. They will not fight or argue with you, but they will also show they do not really care to listen to your opinion. In a working or erotic relationship, you may have to discuss issues with them, but they will pretend to be busy and they have “more important things to do” as their mantra always goes. When they are among people, they try to guide the discussion. Otherwise, they are detached. In general, if they are not the center of interest, they behave cold and aloof. They drain our energy by keeping us hanging on and building a wall which we cannot penetrate. This is of course extremely tiring if you have to work with them or you are in an erotic affair.

How to stop them: Arrogant people are difficult to change and basically, they should be avoided or left alone. When you will ignore them, they will try to get your attention back. When you will be open to them again, they will pretend to be too busy or uninterested to what you have to say. If a person in your family shows that you will not fight for their attention. You can care for them without giving them a pretext to do like they do not need you. Yet, in order not to drive them in the solitude of self-importance, try to be nurturing to them, without expecting something back or showing that you need something from them.

7. Interrogator: This one is always asking questions to get your attention. This is a category of people who live through gossiping and criticizing whatever other people do. Usually, they do so in a disrespectful or hypocritical manner. These people drain energy by bombing you with questions and finding your weak sides and flaws which they will somehow underscore in the discussion. Ironically, they are quite secretive when it comes to their own life and they are afraid of getting open or expose themselves. Sometimes it is difficult for an honest person or an empath to block this “Inquisition”. Besides, in a friendly discussion there is no reason to be insincere or secretive.

How to stop them: Communication is about exchanging experiences, ideas and disclosing your emotions, otherwise communication is not complete. However, in front of an Interrogator, the best defense is not to feed the energy drain. The Interrogator will go only deeper and deeper with his/her questions in order to make you vulnerable. You don’t have to lie but you should be aware of the information you share about yourself. Keep the control of the discussion and do not speak about things you do not want to. If the Interrogator insists on asking about personal matters, ask them back in the similar way. This will show them in which awkward condition they bring you.

8. Narcissist: A Narcissist Energy stealer has no capacity to show empathy, or genuine interest, towards other people. Narcissist stealers carry the unconscious philosophy of “ME first, YOU second.” Therefore, Narcissist stealers will constantly expect you to put them first, feed their egos and do what they say. Narcissist stealers will also manipulate you with false charm, but will just as quickly turn around and stab you in the back. If you have a Narcissist stealer in your life, you might feel a sense of extreme disempowerment as you feel crushed beneath their limelight.

How to nurture your energy: If you’re unable to cut this person off from your life right now, you might like to limit contact. You could also show the Narcissistic Vampire how your requests satisfy their self-interest, particularly if you’re in a working relationship.

9. JudgementalDue to their severely low self-worth, the Judgemental Energy stealer loves to pick on other people. Their treatment of other people is merely a reflection of how they treat themselves. Judgemental stealers enjoy preying on your insecurities and bolstering their egos by making you feel small, pathetic or ashamed.

How to nurture your energy: Remember that true self-worth must come from within. Refuse to take what the Judgemental stealers says personally. Be aware of their deeper pain and their need to feel good about themselves. When you get defensive, you lose. Keep a balanced head, and try being sweet to them (that really throws them off balance!). Reduce, or cut off contact with them if possible.

10. Innocent: Energy stealers aren’t always malicious, as in the case of Innocent stealers. Sometimes they can be helpless types of people who genuinely need help such as children or good friends who come to rely on you too much. It’s good that you help those you care about, but it’s also important that you encourage them to be self-sufficient. Playing the role of the constant “rock” or support will eventually erode away your energy. As a result, you’ll have little energy to support yourself.

How to nurture your energy: Helping those in need is a display of compassion and love, but you also need to remember to love yourself. Gently remind the Innocent Vampire in your life that you need time to yourself as well. Encourage them to develop strength, fortitude and resilience so that you can remove the role of constant caretaker or giver.

The above patterns are the incorrect ways of stealing energies from other people. The best way to receive energy is:

  1. By doing meditation
  2. Having proper sleep 
  3. Spending time in nature
  4. Spending time with children
  5. Spending time with pets
  6. Being in the company of positive and loving people (Satsang)
  7. Being centered and grounded
  8. Eating satvik food 
  9. Consciously not becoming part of energy losing mechanism and not indulging in unnecessary talks, thinking and act 
  10. Becoming aware and setting boundaries with energy stealers


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