Sunday, December 13, 2020


Gratitude is a great  ATTITUDE which can be developed in a deeper sense on a "daily basis" to elevate us to a greater ALTITUDE... as we get entangled in the vicissitudes 
of daily grind. .  It can truly be an antidote to stress..  If only we can learn the art of sanitizing our minds, with consistent practice of  'Living in Gratitude"..... exactly in the rhythm
of our breathing (to be precise), we can reap the great benefits to holistic healing.

Primarily, we need to understand that it is much more than the lip service of saying "thank you'. .  It is the FEELING of ABUNDANCE to sense the gratitude as a mindfulness
exercise as a ritual.  A thankful heart is on a continuous feast with every heartbeat; as it  can be tuned to pulsate with gratitude in all the activities all through our wakeful
hours to bring about  WELLNESS  both to our body and mind.

Secondly, before we  understand "why" gratitude is important to inculcate in our daily life, let us get clarity about how our bodies function based on our thoughts and feelings.
Quantum physics says... EVERYTHING  is ENERGY.  So, our THOUGHTS AND FEELINGS are also subtle forms of energy vibrations which are responsible to bring vibrant health to our cells... leading to happiness.  YES! every cell in our body is eavesdropping on our thoughts and feelings.  So, unless we change our thought patterns, we will continue to recycle the stressful experiences again and again.

"As you think,,, you you feel you you create"  .  Hence.. to create ABUNDANCE we need to FEEL and THINK abundance.. Living in GRATITUDE is the shortcut  to bring holistic wellness into our lives.. These FEELINGS and THOUGHTS of ABUNDANCE can bring chemical changes at the cellular level; when the neurotransmitters release the feel good hormones like the endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin etc... which can actually decrease... cortisol  the stress hormone to most minimal .... leading to illness..  
To dispel darkness, all that we need to do is bring light into it.  Similarly, GRATITUDE is the "light of healing" to dispel illness !! So... the dire need today for HOLISTIC WELLNESS is to develop our own customised GPS.  (Gratitude Positioning System) '

Now... HOW to "kick start"  this Gratitude in our daily routine?

One of the important laws which governs the universe is the LAW OF ATTRACTION.  Our energy field is like the "magnet" which can attract what we radiate.. as mentioned earlier. in gratitude  as a "way of life" impacts all the areas of our life and can magically transform every aspect of our living. 

The easiest way one can kick start this attraction is COUNTING THE BLESSINGS we are blessed with... which we so easily overlook.... or take it for granted!
So to begin with this WELLNESS program for ourselves.. Maintain a GRATITUDE JOURNAL wherein we write (not key-in) five things daily as a ritual for what we feel grateful for... and thank the people or situations connected to.. Also to list all the bountiful blessings we get from the nature around.

All of us have a "To-do" list to accomplish, which is good... but let us also have a "To-Be" list so that we can truly  transform ourselves from Human DOINGS to Human BEINGS.
If we cannot get to do what we love, let us learn to love what we do.. by simply focusing on gratitude in whatever activity we're doing.

To just BE, we need to train ourselves to tune in to our breaths every now and then... to truly sense our BEINGNESS (minus the ear phones). Every two to three hours, just for
three to five minutes. "Being  with our breathing" can calm us down and relax us. It can ground us to the present moment in hand, making us more productive and dynamic with the task at hand.

As we "implant" the thoughts and feelings of  abundance in our subconscious mind, our brains can be re-wired and outlook to  life changes. It is the small habits in the morning which  sets the tone for the day. So, what we talk to the self, what we read, what we watch, with whom we interact determine the energy level in us!  Let us learn to take the first pause in our mornings to make a new beginning each day and intentionally infuse gratitude.. to bring out the best version of ourselves.

Finally a few simple do-able  tips.

1. In the morning after we wake up and before we get out of the bed.. Thank the sun light.. the wonderful dawn.. for seeing us alive. Thank the  bed which gave the sound sleep in the night which made us fresh and rejuvenated . As we put the feet on the ground, Thank the planet Earth for sustaining life for us with bountiful blessings. Take a few breaths with awareness and FEEL abundance from within to truly get connected to the new day ahead

2. As we brush our teeth, we can practice SELF LOVE.  do the Self talk.. Thanking the teeth, the tongue, oral cavity, all the organs (the Lungs, heart, brain, kidneys, pancreas  etc etc), all the systems (respiratory, Neural, Lymphatic, endocrine, excretory, etc etc), all our five sense organs making us sense the world around us. How many times have we thanked our "hands" for  "doing" all that we DO. Or the "legs" which walk this planet? perfect coordination ..bringing health to both the hemispheres of our brain.
 Every morning.. say..  I Am Grateful for the unique expression of this wonderful creation.  Appreciate the miracle happening inside without any reminders from our side!

Remember! the more we acknowledge and appreciate our good health.. the more good health we attract.. as the Love energy weaves magic inside.

3. Thank and feel the 'abundance'.for the WATER (which is the source of LIFE) every time we sip water, or use it for so many other purposes, let us FEEL deep gratitude for this irreplaceable blessing on this planet. Water has a great memory and by simply expressing our Love and thanks to it.. we can  change the molecular structure of it which can carry the message of LOVE to our cells.

4..Feeling abundance from within as we take our FOOD... Thank the farmers who grow it, the fire which cooks it,  the Trees which are constantly supplying for our nourishment, and thank all the other invisible forces and people who are responsible to bring food to our plates day in and day out.  Allow the feelings of gratitude to increase exponentially with every meal.
Declare respect and value to the digestive system which is making the person we are.

5.The easiest practice of gratitude is to keep thanking ALL the inanimate objects we use in our daily life.  making our life easy. At home, including all our personalised items from toothbrushes, combs to the various electronic gadgets we use, the various items in the kitchen, washrooms etc etc. 

6. Thank the planet Earth for the gravity for sustaining life to so many lakhs of species, the ozone layer, the forests, the wild life, the marine life, the natural resources and minerals, the mountains, natural flora and fauna etc.  Connecting to nature as much as we can and thanking every step while we walk... ( minus the ear phones) can ground us beyond our imagination. Hugging a tree is also very therapeutic  . Try it.

7. A challenging gratitude task would be to thank all the so called negative people and negative past events. By focussing on the lessons learnt therein... by simply focussing on the positive aspects of it and express heartfelt gratitude.. can help in transformation from within. (this can be a weekend activity)

8. Appreciate, compliment and thank parents, siblings, friends, and all our support system.. be it maids, drivers and all our service providers to make our life smooth and comfortable.

9. Thank your jobs, your team mates, colleagues. Thank the organisation for hiring you and for bringing out the best out of you. Thank all the money you earn and spend be blessed with more wealth to sail through smoothly.  Basically love everything and everyone in the day.  Each day... every day that follows.

Last but not least.. start your day with Gratitude, end your day with gratitude and FILL the day with Gratitude... To experience a blissful life, waiting to bloom and be the best version of ourselves... moment to moment.. breath to breath.... 

Let us all commit to  Live in Gratitude, as a way of life!!. THANK YOU.....

Savitri Patnaik.
Reiki Grand master

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Spiritual wisdom - Adveta Vedanta

Swami Sarvapriyananda simplifies spiritual wisdom through his clear words. With Indian Vedanta Philosophy at its core, he talks about the similarity in Buddhism and Adveta Vedanta in a profound way. Incredible wisdom!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Some wonderful books

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

Ashtavakra Geeta (Hindi Edition) Swami Prakhar Pragyanand

A Search in Secret India by Paul Brunton

Be As You Are: The Teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi by David Godman

Being in Balance by Wayne W. Dyer

Being Nobody, Going Nowhere by Ayya Khema

Being Supernatural - Dr Joe Dispenza 

Beyond mindfulness in plain English - Henepola Gunaratana 

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One by Joe Dispenza

Born to Win: Transactional Analysis with Gestalt Experiments by Dorothy Jongeward and Muriel James

Buddha's brain - Rick Hanson 

Dying to Be Me: My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing by Anita Moorjani

Get the life you want - Richard Bandler 

I am OK you're OK - Thomas A Harris

I Am That by Nisargadatta Maharaj

Jonathan Livingston Seagull - Richard Bach

Krishna: The Man and His Philosophy by Osho

Letting go: The pathway of surrender by Dr David R Hawkins

Living with Himalayan masters by Swami Ram

Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl

Many Lives, Many Masters by Brian Weiss

Meditations by Jiddu Krishnamurti

Old path white clouds - Thich Nhat Hanh 

Power versus Force - David R Hawkins 

Silence - Thich Nhat Hanh 

Stillness Speaks by Eckhart Tolle

Sundaram Speaks - Hitesh Vashist 

Teachings of Ramana Maharshi in His Own Words by Arthur Osborne

The art and science of meditation - Dr Newton and Chitra Jha 

The Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 

The Book of Mirdad by Mikhail Naimy

The breakthrough experience - Dr John Demartini 

The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom - Don Miguel Ruiz 

The Fifth Agreement by Don Miguel Ruiz and Don Jose Ruiz

The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle

The science of past life regression - Dr Newton and Dr Lakshmi 

The Shadow Effect: Illuminating the Hidden Power of Your True Self - Deepak Chopra, Marianne Williamson, Debbie Ford 

The Surrender Experiment - Michael A Singer 

The Tao of Physics by Fritjof Capra

The Untethered Soul - Michael A Singer 

True Purpose: 12 Strategies for Discovering the Difference You Are Meant to Make by Tim Kelley

You are the placebo - Dr Joe Dispenza 

You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L. Hay

Wherever You Go, There You Are: Mindfulness meditation for everyday life by Jon Kabat-Zinn

Who Will Cry When you Die? Life Lessons from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma

चित्तशक्ति विलास - स्वामी मुक्तानंद 

Books on Heath, Fitness and Natural Living

12 Steps to Raw Foods: How to End Your Dependency on Cooked Food by Victoria Boutenko

Become Healthy or Extinct by Darryl D'Souza

Colon Health by Dr Norman W Walker 

Finding Ultra by Rich Roll

Fruitarianism: The Path To Paradise by Anne Osborne

Grains The cause of human diseases - Dr NK Sharma 

Health in your hands Vol 1 and 2 - Devendra Vora

I've decided to live 120 years by Ilchi Lee

Lifespan: Why We Age – and Why We Don't Have To by David Sinclair

Mucusless-Diet Healing System by Arnold Ehret

Return to Nature by Adolf Just 

The 80/10/10 Diet by Douglas Graham

The China Study by T. Colin Campbell and Thomas M. Campbell

Monday, August 3, 2020

The words of the tongue should have three gatekeepers. -Arab proverb 

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary
Before words get past the lips, the first gatekeeper asks, “Is this true?” That stops a lot of traffic immediately. But if the words get past the first gatekeeper, there is a second who asks, “Is it kind?” And for those words that qualify here too, the last gatekeeper asks, “Is it necessary?”

With these three on guard, most of us would find very little to say. Here I think it is necessary to make exceptions in the interests of good company and let the third gatekeeper look the other way now and then. After all, a certain amount of pleasant conversation is part of the artistry of living. But the first two gatekeepers should always be on duty.

It is so easy to say something at the expense of another for the purpose of enhancing our own image. But such remarks – irresistible as they may be – serve only to fatten our egos and agitate others. We should be so fearful of hurting people that even if a clever remark is rushing off our tongue, we can barricade the gate. We should be able to swallow our cleverness rather than hurt someone. Better to say something banal but harmless than to be clever at someone else’s expense. 

Saturday, July 4, 2020


In the process of working and coaching with clients invariably there is a time when the client experiences being stuck , there are a few useful questions which then lead to a call for action that eventually gets the person unstuck and on the way to where they want to go.

1. What truth have you not spoken? - Speak it
2. What lies have you said? - Clean your Act
3. What do you still owe to others? - Return it
4. What do others still owe you? - Get it back
5. What agreements have you not kept? - Apologise
6. What amends do you need to do? Keep it
7. Where do you have Clutter in your life? Clear it
8. What boundaries have you to draw in your personal, official, professional and social life? - Draw it and go public with it.

This has been working well with many of my clients, because they need to take time to ponder over it and usually their unconscious lands them the whammy that they need to handle and then from thereon pure magic unfolds! Try it.

-Krish Srikanth

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Health, a light body, freedom from cravings, a glowing skin, sonorous voice, fragrance of body: these signs indicate progress in the practice of meditation. 
-Shvetashvatara Upanishad 

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary
If you are practicing meditation regularly, be sure to get adequate physical exercise. This is very important. The deeper your interior life, the greater the need for vigorous physical activity. People sometimes fall into a kind of lethargy in the mistaken belief that this is what it means to work without tension. It is just the opposite. The body is our instrument of physical service, and it thrives on vigorous movement. If you are young or already in good condition, vigorous here means vigorous. Swimming, running, and fast-paced sports that require concentration are all excellent exercise. But unless you are in condition, do not jump into such activities immediately. Work up to them gradually. If you are over thirty-five or have any particular physical problems, ask your doctor to start you on an exercise program.

In meditation we gradually reduce our obsessive identification with the body. The body will begin to feel lighter, our step will be more buoyant, and our senses will come more easily under our control. By getting plenty of physical exercise, we help this process along.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Healthy diet methodologies

New Diet System - NDS


Video on what is New Diet System (NDS) and how to do it - Step by step to the New Diet System (NDS)

नई भोजन प्रथा (श्री बी वी चौहान साहब प्रेरित) अमरीष पटेल का हिंदी में सेमिनार के कुल ३ भाग में यह वीडियो (मोहन खेड़ा - मध्य्प्रदेश Dt-२९/१२/२०१९)
1) Part 1/3 :
2) Part 2/3:
3) Part 3/3 :

New Diet System - Amrish Patel. You Tube Video Hindi हिंदी in 4 parts.

Part 1/4 -
Part 2/4 -
Part 3/4 -
Part 4/4 -

Green juice recipe -




FOOD: Eat five millets mentioned above (Siridhanyalu) as a staple food. One can make all breakfast and snacks like idli, dosa, rotis, rice items, snacks, sweet and hot using these 5 siridhanyaalu.
HERBAL DECOCTION/KASHAYAMS: Drink herbal decoctions or kashayams made from fresh leaves. Take a fistful of clean fresh leaves, boil in structured water for 3 to 4 minutes, strain and drink.

STRUCTURED WATER: Store water in a steel or clay pot with copper plate immersed in it for 7 hours or overnight. Use this water the next day for all cooking and drinking purposes. Cleaning copper plate daily with tamarind or lemon is mandatory.

DO NOT MIX MILLETS. Never use as multigrain flour. Each millet is unique and helps in curing our body when taken individually.
QUIT rice, wheat, meat/non-veg, eggs, refined wheat flour/maida, tea, coffee, sugar, A1(jersey)milk, packaged and junk foods, refined oils, dry fruits, soya, chocolates.
MILK: We can use desi cow milk for making curd, buttermilk and ghee (never consume milk directly). One can even extract milk at home by using sesame seeds, groundnuts, finger millet, coconut, safflower seeds. We can even use this milk to make the curd.
OILS: Use only wooden ghani oils (bull driven) as they are cold pressed and so preserve the nutrients extracted from groundnuts, safflower, sesame and coconut. Store them in steel or glass jars.
SWEETENER: Use palm jaggery as a sweetener instead of sugar. (Not suggested for Diabetic patients). Never use artificial sweeteners.
COOKING UTENSILS: Use steel (salem steel 304) or clay utensils for cooking. We can use iron tawa for chapatis and dosa. (Avoid cooking in cookers)
EXERCISE: Walk for at least 1 hour daily.
MEDITATION: Meditate for 10 to 15 minutes.
SLEEP: Sleep in total darkness without any lights for a good and undisturbed sleep.Wakeup before sunrise, complete dinner by sunset, sleep by 9 pm.

Youtube videos:
V1.0 - Siridhanya(Millets) - Ultimate Solution to Good Health - Dr.Khadar Valli

V 2.0 - Siridhanya(Millets) - Ultimate Solution to Good Health - Dr.Khadar Valli

Other Youtube links:

PDF books:

Five millets

1. Banyard Millet
2. Browntop Millet
3. Foxtail Millet
4. Kodo Millet
5. Little Millet


Advance training on Health by dr. Biswaroop roy chowdhury

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3


International Association for Scientific Spiritualism (IASS)  - तप सेवा सुमिरन 


आरोग्य चर्चा - डॉ गोपाल शास्त्री, आई. ए.एस.एस., मेरठ



Friday, June 12, 2020


I reached in experience the nirvana which is unborn, unrivalled, secure from attachment, undecaying and unstained. This condition is indeed reached by me which is deep, difficult to see, difficult to understand, tranquil, excellent, beyond the reach of mere logic, subtle, and to be realized only by the wise.
The Buddha, on attaining enlightenment 

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary
The Buddha is sometimes quoted as saying that desire is suffering. A more accurate translation is that selfish desire is suffering – in fact, the source of all suffering. But desire itself is simply power, neither good nor bad.

Without the tremendous power of desire, there can be no progress on the spiritual path; there can be no progress anywhere. The whole secret of spiritual transformation is turning selfish desire into selfless desire, transforming personal passions into the overwhelming desire to attain life’s highest goal. This is not repression; it is transformation. 

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

You are what you believe. 
-Anton Chekhov 

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary

You are what the deep faith of your heart is. If you believe that money is going to make you happy, then you will go after money. If you believe that pleasure will make you happy, you will go after pleasure. Because, “as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he,” not as he thinketh in his head. There is a vast distance from the head to the heart. In the Greek and Russian Orthodox traditions, they say that whatever spiritual knowledge you have in your head must be brought down into your heart. This takes many, many years.

Friday, May 8, 2020

Knowing that their past actions may try to overwhelm them, the devotees must be prepared to combat them. God will give them the strength: His Name will be an impenetrable armor. 
-Swami Brahmananda 

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary
In principle, the training of attention is simple: when the mind wanders, bring it back to what it should be doing. The problem arises when the distraction is not a stray thought, but a compulsive resentment, irritation, apprehension, or craving. Such thoughts dominate our attention. When a self-centered thought comes up, everything in our conditioning screams, “Hey, look at that! Pay attention to that!”

When tormented by painful thoughts, many of us have cried out, “If only I could stop thinking!” But we don’t know how. The mind has gotten stuck, and we feel helpless to stop it. All the mind can do is repeat the same thought over and over.

Here again, our greatest ally is the mantram. Whenever a destructive thought comes up, repeat the mantram. When the mantram takes hold, the connection between the thought and your attention is broken. A compulsive thought, whether it is anger or depression or a powerful sense-craving, does not really have any power of its own. All the power is in the attention we give – and when we can withdraw our attention, the thought or desire will be helpless to compel us into action. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


Life consists in what a man is thinking of all day. 
-Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary
A compulsive desire is like any other thought over which we have no control. It flows continuously: “I want that; I want that; I want that.” There seems to be no space between the thoughts. But when your meditation begins to deepen, two things happen. First, the thought process slows down. Second, you develop a new attitude toward desires – you begin to realize that you needn’t give in to the desire. You have a choice.

Now, when a very strong desire starts to overtake you, and your mind is just one long string of “I want that,” you catch sight of a tiny opening between the demands. It may be only a split second in duration at first, but in time it grows long enough for another thought, another kind of thought, to make itself known. “Hmmm,” we think, “maybe part of me does want that – but do I? Is it really in my long-term best interest to gratify this desire?”

Monday, April 27, 2020

Spiritual and Inspirational Movies

90 minutes in heaven
A dog's purpose
Astral city -
Awake the life of Yogananda
Celestine prophecy
City of Angels
Cloud Atlas
Conversation with God
Doctor strange
Ek cheez milegi wonderful
Him beyond Light Rene Mey
Inside out
Jonathan Livingston seagull
Little Buddha
Myth breaker
Patch Adams
Peaceful warrior
Pursuit of happiness
Ram Dass Fierce Grace
Shawshank Redemption
Ship of Theseus
The Book of Eli
The fountain
The Intern
The last shaman
The laws of eternity
The laws of the Sun
The philosophy of sense 8
The power of intuition
The secret
The shift
The Truman show
They live
What the bleep do we know

Friday, April 24, 2020


The first wealth is health. 
Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary
When you regard your life as a trust, you realize that the first resource you have to take care of is your own body. This can be startling. Even your body is not really your own. It belongs to life, and it is your responsibility to take care of it. You cannot afford to do anything that injures your body, because the body is the instrument you need for selfless action. That is the fine print of the trust agreement: when we smoke, when we overeat, when we don’t get enough exercise, we are violating the terms of the trust.

If you want to live life at its fullest, you will want to do everything possible to keep your body in vibrant health in order to give back to life a little of what it has given you. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

The Breakthrough Experience - Dr John Demartini

Here are some of the excerpts from the book 'The Breakthrough Experience' which were very profound

The Breakthrough Experience: A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation by Dr John Demartini

"As we transform our thoughts, we transform our feelings and transform our life."

"It’s a paradox, but those who seek God most are the ones who most deny God’s presence. They go off on a quest to find divinity, and at the end, they look back and realize it was here all along."

"You will learn a formula for materializing your dreams, discover the secrets of opening your heart beyond anything you have imagined, find out how to increase your love and appreciation for every aspect of life, receive profound insights on how to create more fulfilling and caring relationships, reawaken your birthright as a true genius, transcend any fears and illusions surrounding the myth of death, and reconnect with your true mission and purpose for life on Earth."

"We may have positive and negative opinions about the various people and events in our lives, but in truth, they all play a perfect role in unfolding our destiny and making us who we are."

"Everyone wants to love and be loved, to appreciate and be appreciated, and everyone wants to live his or her dreams. There are certain laws that govern dreams, and if we follow those laws, we can fulfill our dreams."

"The four great ancient questions of philosophy: Who are we? Where do we come from? Why are we here? and Where are we going? Cosmology was mind-expanding and absolutely fascinating."

"Gratitude is the key to growth and fulfillment. If you were to give someone a gift and they just looked at it and then tossed it aside without thanks, would you be inclined to give them another? Of course not, and the universe responds just as you do."

"Many people confuse gratitude with elation. They think that when they’re elated about something and say, “Oh, I’m so thankful for that!” they’re being grateful. But true gratitude actually has little to do with those temporary moments of happiness or elation. True gratitude is a quiet state of poise and inner calm where you’re truly thankful, where you sense the divine order and wouldn’t want anything to change."

"Gratitude is a true prayer of thanksgiving, but there are two types of prayer. The first type is false prayer. It arises when you’re dissatisfied with life and it often sounds something like, “Oh, Lord, this is all messed up. Please fix it!” The second type is true prayer. It arises when you recognize the order and perfection of what is and you’re truly thankful for what has already been given. As a result, you receive even more gifts. To those who are grateful, more is given."

"You learn how to read, ’cause there’s only two things that the world can’t take away from you: your love and your wisdom. They can take away your loved ones, they can take away your money, they can take away just about everything, but they can’t take away your love and wisdom."

"Love and wisdom are the essence of life."

"Childhood deprivation is often the source of adult dreams and aspirations. So often childhood illnesses create the great healer or athlete. Those who think they weren’t loved seek to share love wholeheartedly for the rest of their lives. Those who felt unworthy develop a powerful drive to contribute to the world and feel worthwhile. Those who lived in poverty go on to amass great wealth. Perceived voids create values; we are programmed to seek whatever we think is missing the most."

"Wisdom is the instantaneous recognition that a crisis is a blessing, and even greater wisdom recognizes that blessings can also trigger a crisis. When we truly understand that, we’re less likely to be upset about difficulties or elated about opportunities; we remain centered no matter what happens around us. That is one of the secrets of self-mastery."

"The Great Discovery™: At any moment of your life, you will never be put down without being lifted up, nor lifted up without being put down. Positive and negative, good and bad, support and challenge, peace and war—all come together in pairs. They are simultaneous and perfectly balanced, and that is what makes up the divine order."

"People treat you exactly the way you unconsciously treat yourself. Their outer mannerisms toward you reflect your inner mannerisms, so one of the most powerful ways to transform your life is to become consciously aware of your beliefs and feelings about yourself."

"We’re not here to be right, we’re here to be love."

"Were you aware that supporting someone can make them weak and dependent, and that challenging them can make them strong and independent? We judge ourselves harshly when we feel we’ve been mean to someone, but that’s because we haven’t seen the balance."

"For most of us, conflict is less physical and more verbal and mental, but the same principle applies. You’re not present when you become distracted by the emotions of praise and reprimand, are you? When somebody lifts you up or puts you down, if you buy into their one-sided illusion, they can run your life."

"If every time a crisis struck, you trained yourself to immediately look for the blessing and opportunity that certainly exists, you could dance with your life."

“If I had only one prayer, it would be, ‘Thank you.’” — Meister Eckhart

"A genius is one who sees the guiding light of their soul, listens to the internal message, and obeys."

"The masses wait to see it to believe it, but the master believes it and then sees it."

"If you get absolutely crystal clear on exactly what you would love, and you can’t see anything but that, it’s almost impossible for you not to get it. If you can say, “I am worth it, I deserve to have my dreams, I deserve to take the time to focus on the infinite details to create them, I have a human will, and I’ll align it with divine will and allow it to fill me and inspire me to write out each dream in a specific fashion,” and then you do it . . . then it’s yours."

"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask. If you say to yourself, I’d like to do that, but how can I when I don’t have the money? you create a mind-set that assumes you can’t and stops without even trying. If, instead, you ask yourself, How can I do what I love and be magnificently paid for it? and don’t stop looking until you find the answer, you’ll get an entirely different outcome and life. Reframing the questions you ask yourself offers tremendous power."

"There is elated positive thinking and depressed negative thinking, and right between the two is present and loving thinking. The two extremes cancel each other out, and one is the antidote for the other."

"Ultimately, life is not meant to be only positive or negative, happy or sad, but to be expressed with a balanced expression of love and wisdom. Wisdom is the instantaneous recognition that crisis is blessing, and love is the automatic, instantaneous expression of the two sides of life. You express either pure unconditional love when you acknowledge the balance, or conditional and emotional love when you acknowledge the imbalance."

"Everybody has two sides. If you’re honest, you’ll see that you are both saint and sinner, virtuous and vicious. So when someone accuses you of something, don’t waste time defending yourself. Instead, admit that you are in fact possessor of whatever it is the’re attaching you for. Not only are you possessor, but they are, too, and they’re judging themselves; that’s why they’re accusing you. If it hurts to hear it, that means you haven’t seen how that quality servers you or others and you’re judging yourself. Their gift to you is to wake you up to another part of yourself that you haven’t yet loved."

"People feel sorrow not because someone has died, but because they didn’t express their love when they had the chance."

"Your worth in life is directly proportionate to how much love and gratitude you have, and the hierarchy of your values and magnitude of your cause determines much of your wealth."

"Life is funny. The moment you realize you already have everything you’re looking for, the universe gives it to you. The instant you think you don’t have something, it evades you further. The greatest discovery in life is that no matter what you do, you’re being supported and challenged simultaneously. The second greatest discovery is that nothing is missing; it’s just in a form you haven’t recognized. Widen your experience and broaden yourself, which is the value of experience, and see that it’s all there just in a new form, and then watch yourself become a master of transformation."

"We’re all hypocrites when we say we’re spiritual but don’t sit in a state of gratitude and grace for the magnificence of everything, just as it is. None of us are going to do that 24 hours a day, but if we’re wise, we’re honest enough with ourselves to acknowledge the times when we’re not grateful, know that that’s the journey, and humble ourselves to our sacred path of love."

"No matter what I’ve done or not done, I am worthy of love."

"Everything has two sides, and you can never have one without the other. It’s not one side now and the other maybe sometime in the future; they’re simultaneous. Don’t wait to get old to finally understand this. Awaken to the wisdom of the ages without the aging process. Honor the truth of equilibration."

Last year an old friend called to ask, “Can you loan me some money?” and I said, “No, I won’t.” “But why? You’ve got plenty.” “I know, and the reason I do is because I know how to manage it. I don’t give money to people who don’t know how, because if I do, we both say good-bye to our money. They become dependent, and I get a lesson in economics.” “I will not give money to any cause that does not ensure dignity, accountability, productivity, and responsibility to the recipients.” — Nelson Rockefeller

"The quality of your life is determined by the quality of the questions you ask. So don’t think, What do I have to do today? or What do I need? Ask yourself, What would I love to do today? What would I love to do with my life? Ask a different question and get a different life, because the way you talk to yourself creates your reality."

"You grow from impulse, where you simply react unconsciously to the world; to instinct, where you’re ruled by your emotions; to intellect, where the mind starts to have some awareness of, and influence on, your destiny. In all of those states, the heart is relatively closed and cannot direct your life. When the heart opens a little, you start to have intuition; and when it opens even further, you get inspiration. Inspiration involves messages, visions, and feelings that show you why you’re here. When the heart is completely open, it can receive divine revelation; and when you receive that, you cannot help but have a profound effect on the world. You will make a difference here simply by being."

"You are here on this earth to master seven areas of life: spiritual, mental, vocational, financial, familial, social, and physical. They can either powerfully support your genius or impede it. Love in each of these areas can ignite your genius, but fear and guilt can cause them to smolder."

"It states that if you’re given the choice between pissing someone else off or pissing yourself off, choose them. People come and go, but you’re with you for the whole trip . . . and it’s your life. Never sacrifice the eternal for the transient. Embrace both sides of life equally."

"Don’t think you’ll ever be without fears in your life; fear means you’re growing and challenging yourself beyond your comfort zones. I have fears almost every day, but I know that fear is a lie, a lopsided perception clouding the hidden order; so I identify it, bring it to balance, then walk through it. It is then that I turn on my light." “Forget about likes and dislikes, they are of no consequence. Just do what must be done. This may not be happiness, but it is greatness.” — George Bernard Shaw

"Every moment we spend not focused on our dreams becomes a moment we spend focused on our doubts and obstacles. Every moment we spend not focused on the flowers, we’re focused on the weeds."

"Words of Wisdom and Power • I talk to myself with the respect due a great genius. • I look for the genius in everyone I meet. • I link everything I do to my mission, and I am inspired by my life. • I walk through the darkened doorway where fear lurks, and I turn on the light. • I listen to my heart, which awakens my genius. • My genius elevates me beyond my daily illusions."

“When I speak of love, I am not speaking of some sentimental or weak response. I am speaking of that force which all of the great religions have seen as the supreme unifying principle of life. Love is somehow the key that unlocks the door which leads to ultimate reality.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.

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Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Whatever you do, make it an offering to me – the food you eat, the sacrifices you make, the help you give, even your suffering. 
Bhagavad Gita 

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary
We can’t give anyone joy or security by increasing her bank account or adding to his collection of vintage wines. Of course, a well-chosen gift given at the right time is always welcome, but whatever the gift, we should guard against the nagging expectation of getting something in return. The moment we expect reward or recognition, we are making a contract.

Even parents and children suffer from this contractual relationship. Parents can help their children tremendously by avoiding the “I did this for you, therefore you do that for me” approach, encouraging them instead to follow their own star.

In the spiritual lore of India, it is said that God whispered only one word in our ears when he sent us into the world: “Give.” Give freely of your time, your talent, your resources; give without asking for anything in return. This is the secret of living in joy and security. 

Monday, April 20, 2020


Thou shalt understand that it is a science most profitable, and passing all other sciences, for to learn to die. 
Heinrich Suso 

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary
As long as there is something we want to get out of life before we go – a little more money, a little more pleasure, a chance to get in a parting dig at someone we think has hurt us – there will be a terrible struggle with death when it comes. As long as we think we are the body, we will fight to hold onto the body when death comes to wrench it away. The tragedy, of course, is that death is going to take it anyway. So the great teachers in all religions tell us, “Give up your selfish attachments now and be free.” Then, when death does come, we can give him what is his without a shadow of regret, and keep for ourselves what is ours, which is love of the Lord.

There is great artistry in this. Death comes and growls something about how our time has come, and we just say, “Don’t growl; I’m ready to come on my own.” Then we stand up gracefully, take off the jacket that is the body, hand it over carefully, and go home. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up. 
Mark Twain 

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary
Often, when a low mood is coming on, sometimes it is because the mind has started to brood upon itself. The things that formerly seemed exciting now elicit no response. In a sense, we have closed down. A friend can talk to us and we will not hear; we can go to a movie and may not even follow the plot. We are utterly absorbed in a hall of mirrors inside, in which we and everyone around us are pushed, pulled, and twisted into fantastic shapes.

There are a number of effective ways of treating these dark moods where they start, within the mind. What helps is to do what your mind is crying out not to do: be with other people, work with them, make yourself take an active interest in what they are doing and saying. This turns attention away from yourself by directing it outward. Once you are more concerned with others, your melancholy is gone; you are alive again. 
The disunited mind is far from wise; how can it meditate? How be at peace? When you know no peace, how can you know joy? 
Bhagavad Gita 

Eknath Easwaran's Commentary

Today’s mania for speed strikes right at the root of our capacity for an even mind. How often we find ourselves locked into behavior and situations that force us to hurry, hurry, hurry! By now, most of us are aware that compulsive speed – “hurry sickness” – can be a direct threat to our physical health. But hurry has another alarming repercussion: it cripples patience.

When we lack patience, even a few moments’ delay, a trivial disappointment, an unexpected obstacle, makes us explode in anger. We are not hostile people; we are just in such a hurry that keeping the mind calm is impossible. Without peace of mind, how can we enjoy anything, from a movie to good health?

When we go slower, we are more patient, and when we are more patient, we are capable of enjoying life more. All these benefits can come from just learning to slow down. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Vegan Curd using Peanuts/ मूंगफली से दही बनाने की विधि

1. Wash the raw groundnuts (100 grams/ one fistful) and soak them in water for 8-10 hours.
2. Drain the water and grind to a very fine paste
3. Add 2 cups of water to the paste and grind again
4. Now filter the mixture
5. Add two cups of water to the remaining unfiltered paste and grind again. Filter this mixture as well
6. Boil the resulting peanut milk
7. Let the temperature come down until warm
8. Add 10-12 green chilli stems / crowns (image below) and leave aside for 12-15 hours and the curd will be ready
9. Now, You can flavor and garnish it as you please, be it adding salt, cardamom etc
10.For the next batch you can directly use a spoonful of this curd to add to the peanut milk instead of the chilli stems / crowns

Milk and Curd can be made with the same process using Soybean. Keep in mind to unpeel the soy after soaking to prevent bitterness.

मूंगफली से दही बनाने की विधि

1.करीब एक मुट्ठी मूंगफली( 100 ग्राम), अच्छी तरह धो कर, 10-12 घंटे के लिए भिगा लें।
2. फिर उसको मिक्सी के छोटे (चटनी वाले) जार में पीस लें।
3 अब मिक्सी के बड़े जार में 2 कप पानी मिलाकर पीस लें।
4. इसको छान लें।
5 छानने के बाद बचे हुए मूंगफली के पेस्ट को फिर 2 कप पानी के साथ पीस लें और छान लें।
6 मूँगफली का दूध तैयार है और अब इसको उबाल लें।
7. दूध के गुनगुना होने तक इंतज़ार करें।
8  अब उसमें 10 -12  हरी मिर्च के नीचे के डंठल डाल दें (तस्वीर में देखें). 12-15 घंटे में दही जम जाएगा।
9. मूँगफली का स्वाद अगर ज़्यादा/ तेज़ लगे तो नमक, इलायची इत्यादि मिलाकर इसका सेवन किया जा सकता है।
10. अगली बार दही जमाने के लिए हरी मिर्च के डंठल के बजाय इस दही का जामन उपयोग में लायें।

इसी प्रकार सोयाबीन से भी दूध और दही बनाया जा सकता है।  बस इतना ध्यान रखना है कि भिगाने के बाद, सोयाबीन के छिलके निकाल लें नहीं तो दही कड़वा हो जाएगा।