Saturday, July 4, 2020


In the process of working and coaching with clients invariably there is a time when the client experiences being stuck , there are a few useful questions which then lead to a call for action that eventually gets the person unstuck and on the way to where they want to go.

1. What truth have you not spoken? - Speak it
2. What lies have you said? - Clean your Act
3. What do you still owe to others? - Return it
4. What do others still owe you? - Get it back
5. What agreements have you not kept? - Apologise
6. What amends do you need to do? Keep it
7. Where do you have Clutter in your life? Clear it
8. What boundaries have you to draw in your personal, official, professional and social life? - Draw it and go public with it.

This has been working well with many of my clients, because they need to take time to ponder over it and usually their unconscious lands them the whammy that they need to handle and then from thereon pure magic unfolds! Try it.

-Krish Srikanth

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